I feel the urge to restrict, what do I do now?

Let’s talk about something that might hit close to home for many of us: the urge to restrict or engage in disordered eating behaviors. It’s a tough spot to be in, but recognising these urges is a massive first step towards a healthier, more intuitive relationship with food. So, what do we do when these feelings pop up? Here are some friendly tips and strategies that might help you navigate through them.

Recognise and Understand Your Triggers

Begin to check in with yourself and recognise what your triggers are. What situations or feelings tend to bring on the urge to restrict? It could be stress, certain social settings, or even specific people. Identifying these triggers is key. If you can avoid them, great. If not, have some strategies ready to soften their impact.

How I Cope as an Intuitive Eater

When those restricting thoughts pop up, I like to start with a simple step: name it to tame it. Saying something like, "I notice I’m having a thought about restricting my food," can help you gain some distance from the urge. It’s just a thought, not a command you have to follow.

Urge Surfing

This is a technique where you ride out the urge like a wave, knowing it will eventually pass. It’s not about fighting the urge but observing it and letting it flow through you.

Delay, Distract, Decide

When the urge hits, delay acting on it. Give yourself a specific amount of time before you consider responding. Distract yourself with something else—maybe a hobby, a phone call with a friend, or a walk outside. After some time, decide what to do. Often, the intensity of the urge will have decreased by then.

Self-Soothing Tools

Having a toolkit of self-soothing strategies is super helpful to cope with difficult and uncomfortable moments. This might include things like listening to your favorite music, taking a warm bath, practicing mindfulness, or engaging in creative activities. Find what works best for you and keep these tools handy.

  • Deep Breathing: Slow, deep breaths can calm your nervous system.

  • Journaling: Write down your thoughts and feelings. Sometimes getting them on paper can lessen their power.

  • Music or Art: Engage in something creative to shift your focus.

  • Physical Activity: Gentle movement, like stretching or yoga, can help ground you.

Sit With the Feeling

Sometimes, the best thing you can do is sit with the feeling. It’s uncomfortable, but it’s also temporary. By allowing yourself to feel it without judgment, you can process it and move through it more effectively.

Respect Your Body

Above all, respect your body. It’s doing its best to support you, even when your mind is trying to pull you in different directions. Show it kindness and compassion. Show yourself some love and gratitude, and treat your body with the kindness it deserves. Nourish it with food, rest, and love.

So, next time you feel that urge to restrict, remember these tips. You’re not alone in this journey, and every step you take towards intuitive eating is a step towards a more balanced, fulfilling life. Keep going, and be kind to yourself. You’ve got this! 💖

Be Kind to yourself,

M x


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