The Summer of Food Freedom

I’m almost 2 years into healing from disordered eating, and for the first time this summer I felt true FOOD FREEDOM 🌟

The cycles of summers past typically went like this…

Restriction + extreme exercise leading up to summer/events (eg weddings)
Binge on weekends/events
Guilt/shame/body checking come Monday or end of a holiday
Back to restriction and extreme exercise

How refreshing it was moving into summer not putting pressure on the appearance of my body (see ya β€˜get that summer bod’)

I could relax and be flexible during the festive season and events. Surprisingly I was more intuitive and balanced with nutrition. πŸ‰

I was able to be in the present and enjoy lake day BBQs, chips n dip after the beach, long pasta dinners, cold beers and slow afternoons in the sun.

I’m thankful for what I’ve learnt in my healing journey, and look forward to sharing my learnings with you in 2023! πŸ’«


What on earth are β€˜food rules’?


Why Habits > Motivation