What I eat in a day | Part 1
Welcome to the series 'What I Eat in a Day: A Journey to Food Freedom'
Spoiler alert: This isn't your typical 'What I Eat in a Day' content.
'What I Eat in a Day' content can be problematic in diet culture for several reasons:
Promotion of Restrictive Eating
Comparison and Shame
Lack of Context
Focus on Appearance
Triggering Behavior
'What I Eat in a Day' content in diet culture often perpetuates harmful beliefs and behaviors related to food and body, rather than promoting a balanced and individualized approach to nutrition and health.
Even more concerning is when an Intuitive Eater's 'What I Eat in a Day' begins with an ab check (smh, still diet culture).
Navigating food freedom and intuitive eating can be challenging. How can we connect with our intuition when our food choices and behaviors have been dictated by years of food rules and diet culture?
I want to share what life is like when you're trapped in the cycle of rigid rules and how I'm working to break free from those constraints to embrace intuitive eating. Join me on this journey towards finding food freedom.
Disclaimer: We are all unique individuals. This is a guide on how to break free from food rules and progress towards intuitive eating.
Part 1: Breakfast: Old Me vs. New Me
Old Me (Consumed by Food Rules and Disordered Eating Behaviors)
Intermittent fasting: I can't eat until at least 12pm, despite hunger cues.
Fasted workout: Skipping breakfast before my workout.
Black coffee.
Constantly thinking about carbs and calorie content.
Viewing certain foods, like PB and banana on Vogels, as a 'treat.'
Limited breakfast options due to eliminating many food groups through disordered eating.
New Me (Working Towards Being an Intuitive Eater and Finding Food Freedom)
Noticing hunger cues and honoring them.
Using gentle nutrition to guide a balanced breakfast with whole carbs, protein, healthy fats, and fruits/vegetables.
Considering energy requirements for the day and fueling my body accordingly.
Understanding that I can have carbs at every meal.
Connecting with my cravings to guide breakfast choices.
Embracing all food options as I allow all foods.
Listening to my body and eating until satisfied.
Honoring cravings without guilt or restriction.
Practicing mindful eating and savoring each bite.
Choosing breakfast options that bring joy and satisfaction.
Being flexible and open-minded in experimenting with new foods.
Letting go of judgment and releasing guilt or shame associated with food choices.
Follow along as I share the journey from the old me to the new me in this 'What I Eat in a Day' series, as we strive towards food freedom and a healthier relationship with food.
Be kind to yourself,
M x