How to live a BIG life

Don’t we all want to be living a life that’s rich, full and BIG?

Disordered eating, diet culture and food rules robs us of this rich full life. While we are putting our time, energy and resources into making ourselves smaller, our life also becomes small.

Your mind is constantly consumed by the guilt of the past and fear of the future, with no space to be mindful and connect to the present moment-and all the joys and pleasure this brings about.

We are replaying the past, what we’ve eaten today, have we worked out, guilt for not working out and shame for eating ‘bad’ foods, etc. Or we are planning future workouts and meals, getting stuck in this rigid and controlling mindset.

We have no space left for joy, fun, pleasure and meaningful connections with ourselves and our loved ones. Disordered eating takes the driver’s seat, and we are left stuck in life that is rigid and controlled.

So, what is the alternative?

We can start to notice when we are getting caught up with the past, or future and reconnect to the present moment. What is most important to us? What are the things we can be doing that connect us with a rich, full and big life? Maybe you want to consider what disordered eating is robbing from you, and how life feels small for you right now? How could you do the opposite to this? Get an idea of what a BIG life looks like for you. Brainstorm what this life looks like or create a vision board. Then begin to take small actions to head towards this direction.

You do have the ability to reclaim joy and pleasure in your life. It can feel uncomfortable making these changes at first, so be kind to yourself and strive for progress, not perfection.

Morgan x


The freedom to CHOOSE


What on earth are ‘food rules’?