
"we often overlook... the pleasure and satisfaction that can be found in the eating experience"

Intuitive eating principle #6, ‘rediscover the satisfaction factor’, is the reminder we all need our lives.

"Eating foods you enjoy and that feel good, is a way to connect with your body more deeply. ⁣Satisfaction is a pleasure-based principle and the hub of Intuitive Eating.⁣"

How often are you able to really connect with your body and eat what you really want?

Diet culture and food rules mess with our intuition and body signals.

There is true pleasure, joy and satisfaction in the eating experience.

To re-discover the satisfaction factor …

give yourself permission to enjoy all foods

get curious with yourself and what you really like

what are your favourite foods?

where are your favourite places to eat, and who do you love to eat with?

how can you add in more satisfaction to your regular routines?

Thanks to Evelyn Tribole and Kayla Schnepal Nutrition for the inspiration and references here.

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RESPECT your body


Movement, feel the difference.