12 days of Festive Intuitive Eating
The festive period can be a turbulent time rife with diet culture. This can bring up discomfort for those with unhealthy relationships with food and exercise.
As we move through the days leading up to Christmas, lets gently remind ourselves of the principles of intuitive eating that allow us to drop the struggle with disordered food and exercise patterns. When we open up to food freedom, we can get present, connect with our loved ones and embrace a rich, full and meaningful life.
One: Reject the Diet Mentality
Remove any pressure to adopt diet culture behaviours leading up to Christmas.
You don’t need to ‘earn’ your food.
Remember; ‘Diets don’t work’.
Two: Honour your Hunger
Notice your hunger cues.
Acknowledge and Respect hunger.
Use the ‘Hunger-Fullness’ scale to recognise hunger in your own body.
Three: Make Peace with Food
You can allow all foods as an intuitive eater.
Give yourself unconditional permission to eat all festive foods.
All foods can fit into balanced eating patterns.
Four: Challenge the Food Police
Create some space from diet culture food rules and thoughts.
You can make your own mindful food and movement choices; these don’t need to be determined by food rules.
Five: Feel your Fullness
You may eat beyond fullness at times, that’s ok. Be kind to yourself and your body in these moments.
Tune into your fullness cues.
Eat mindfully, noticing the sight, feel, taste, smell & sounds of the eating experience.
Six: Discover the Satisfaction Factor
It is okay to enjoy the festive foods and find satisfaction in the eating experience.
Focus on how this joy makes your life more rich, full & meaningful, rather than just meeting your nutrition needs.
Seven: Cope with your Emotions with Kindness
This season can bring up uncomfortable emotions.
As can eating ‘forbidden foods’, you don’t need to feel guilty for eating this.
Adopt healthy self-care & compassionate coping strategies
Eight: Respect your Body
There can be diet culture temptation to skip meals because of ‘more indulgent’ festive meals.
You still deserve to eat!
Respect your body giving it the fuel and nourishment it needs.
Nine: Movement, Feel the Difference
Embrace flexibility and variety in your movement routines over the festive season.
Find opportunities to move your body in a way that brings joy and adds to your life.
Movement isn’t punishment or a tool to ‘earn’ food.
Ten: Gentle Nutrition
Focus on ‘Adding In’ plenty of fibre, fruit and vegetable.
Balance your meals with protein, healthy fats and whole carbohydrates when you can.
Eleven: Coping with diet culture comments from others
Don't let toxic comments about your food or body ruin your holiday cheer.
“When you recognize diet talk – call it out, educate on it, change the subject. You don’t have to participate in diet talk.” -Kayla Schnepel
Twelve: “I’ll Start my diet on New Years day”
Having variety and changes in your festive eating won’t significantly impact your overall weight, health or wellbeing.
Instead of the the ‘All or Nothing’ mentality allow for the ebbs and flows of this festive season.
Sustainable food and exercise patterns allow for this balance.
Wishing you a Merry & Healthy Christmas!
Be kind to yourself,
M x